Sondela Stargazing Excursions
During the December holiday, stargazing excursions are being
presented at Sondela every Wednesday evening. These excursions depart at around
18h30 from the Reception parking area. A short game drive is conducted on the
way to the “Springbok flats” area, during which basic orientation is explained.
After sunset the focus turns to the skies and certain constellations are
pointed out with a laser pointer and discussed. During this time of year, the
constellation of Orion is particularly easy to find. Other constellations such
as Crux (the Southern Cross), Taurus (the Bull) and Canis Major (the Large
Dog)become visible soon after sunset. The moon is currently waxing and will be
full on the 25th of December 2015, Christmas Day. The last time this
happened was almost 40 years ago and another full moon will not be visible on
December 25 until 2034.